February is the Month of the Holy Family so our discussion is a focus on the Catholic Family. Catholic men are encouraged to model the virtue of Saint Joseph as the leader of his family. We are inspired by Joseph leading his family out of danger and into exile in Egypt and on its return to their home in Nazareth.
Our Gathering discussions will center around Catholic men leading their families in modern times. We will view a video from the KofC video series, Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family. Our lesson is, "The Catholic Family in a Post-Christian World," along with discussions using, The Mission of the Family study guide.
Our Prayer session will be dedicated to the Holy Family.
Links to the Into the Breach series videos are available at this link:
All are encouraged to view all the Into the Breach videos and discuss them with their Catholic brothers.
Please download the Into the Breach: The Mission of the Family Study Guide at this link.
The Study Guide uploads very well into your iPad or Android tablet that makes a most outstanding "virtual prayer book."